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.MY Premium Domain Name PDN

Premium Domains for Sale.
Register .MY Premium Domain Name Today!

What is .MY Premium Domain Name (PDN)?

Unlike regular domain names, premium domain names possess certain qualities that make them stand out. They are typically short, catchy, and memorable, appealing to a broader audience. Additionally, they are search engine friendly and highly coveted within the domain name market.

As a result of these characteristics, premium domain names command a higher price compared to standard domain names, aligning with their inherent value.

Why choose .MY Premium Domain Names?

Your domain name serves as your primary online identity, often being the first thing your customers encounter on your business card, letterhead, and advertisements. It shapes their initial impression of your brand. By owning a premium .MY domain name, you gain authority and credibility over your competitors. For example, a corporate gift business with the domain name gift.my is undoubtedly more memorable than corporategiftsupplier.my.

Having been in existence for over three decades, .MY domain names are preferred by major search engines in comparison to newer domain name extensions. This significantly increases your website's chances of ranking higher in search results, particularly when searched locally.

How much is PDN and how to register it?

The first year registration price for PDN is ranging from RM1,500 to RM20,000. And RM400 to RM3,500 for renewal or transfer. Please contact us to confirm the price and to register it.